Friday, October 25, 2013

I am not green

         Hi everybody! Today I want talk you about the environment... The true is that I am not a green person, but I am interested in this topic because I considered that is important that the humanity begin take care they natural resources... But I think that is very difficult begin to do practices that are friendly with the environment because this practices requires constancy and in this country we not have this sides! 
Well if you ask me if I know some organization that work with this topic, my answer is not! Only I listen about Green peace but I never have been invited to participate in a workshop or lecture in the place where I life... I think that the government should worry more for this topic, because many people are interested in do something for our planet!
I remember that when I was a child in my school for some time the dumps have a colors for the girls put her trash separately... In the green dumps you can put only plastic, in the yellow drums you can put only paper etc. But this action didn’t last long time because all girls put her trash when hers want...
In the actuality I was thought that I should use one bike for travel for Santiago. But the real situation is that I can’t buy a bike in this moment and for other part the University is far away of my house. And for this reason this action isn’t for me :(
How I said earlier I never have been invited and I don’t know any organization but the true is that I didn’t searched one organization for participated in this... My principal reason for not search information about these organizations is because i think that this organization requires a lot time. 
I think that would be an interest idea promote the recycling in the university because the student always have a good disposition for this type of changes... and this idea could work... 
And in my particular life I would like reduce my carbon footprint, and for this purpose I can do that Alonso begin to use de WC because the diapers pollution for long time... And also I can recycle in my house.
I think that Santiago misses many things because we don’t take care the environment... One of these things is the clear air, because we generate much smog... for other part Santiago misses the beauty of some streets because the people don’t worry for clean this and throwing garbage in all places... I think that with better education about this topic this situation can change, but i don’t know... 


  1. I don´t know much about this topic too but I think that we have to do something for the environmental. Regards!
