Sunday, December 1, 2013

My english class

Hello! Today I will talk about my english class and also the english in general. The true is that when I started my career I thinked that the english isnt necesary and I hated the idea of have this class! But now I think that is necesary and I can say that I learned a lot in this classes... Because I began in English 1 and now I am in English 4 and I feel that I change my opinion about the english. I think that something is funny write in the bloggs and is very useful for me, I can learn new words and I know how occupy it :) But I think that I need learn more things about my english because yet I cant to talk fluid and I should to learn more words! In english 4 we practice our conversations in english and I think that with it I improved a lot! When I  am not in my english class I dont use much my english but when I see a movie or I listen a song in english I always try to traslate the words and someting I can to find a coherent sense! And I fell so good because I feel that I know more and always is important have this type of knowledge in speciall when you are in the university and in ocations you need read books and only you find it in english because always it is in this languaje...and now I think that the english like me... but not in excess, but I know that lear this languaje help me a lot in the future and if I cant learn when I was a child the university give me the oportunity for learn it now and I feel grateful for this!I hope that you read this post! Byee


  1. I think listening to songs and movies in English, trying to understand them is a very good way to practice English because you learn to think fast what people say and it helps us to speak fluently

  2. I think the blogs are a good tool to learn english :)
