Friday, November 22, 2013

My year

Hello everybody!!

Today I will talk about this year and the things that I live. I think that this year was very special and is important that I can do a revision of it.

I feel that this year have many good things, first of all I started to choose my subjects and this is very funny because I can take only the class that I enjoy and the class that interest for my future, also I worked in my relation, with my boyfriend and for this days all things are good with him, and with my family too.

This year is special because many babies born in the 2013, my friend Luis and her girlfriend have a beautiful girl and she´s called Ishna… but her name isn´t so beautiful like her… jajajjaa

Other baby is Gustavo, who is son, that my cousin Titi and is my favorite… But he is very little because he was born in November 12th … yes! Today he has 10 days. Gustavo live in Talca but I went to visit him when he has around of 4 days because Titi and I have a close relation.

The things that I not enjoy were the change of classmates, because now I have different subjects with my friends of the university and I miss their so much! But we still meet when we have a time…
My principal achievement in this year was to discover the juridical psychology and decide that in the future I will work in this area… this is important because I was so confused and today I was calmer about my labor future.

The thing that all years I want do but I never do is go out with my friends that the university and go to “La piojera” I hope that this year we can do it!
One thing that I want highlight is that I began to participate to the group that want recover “La venda sexy” and convert it in a memory place…   And this project is so interesting for me and I am very happy with this initiative.

I hope that you enjoy this post! Is my final post and I would want to all people of this subject post me! Jajajajaja… J regards!


  1. Oh my friend, this year was full of baby for you :)

  2. This year is all of babies! D=

    I think the better in this university is that you can choose you subjects! =) the juridical psychology is very interesting! but I only take one subject about it.

  3. Hello! I'm glad for you and for Carlos and your family jajaja I'm glad for Titi too because finally give bith a little boy :)

  4. In my family born a lot of babies too! well only three :P Bruno is the son of my sister, Tomás is the little baby of my nephew and there is another baby named Tomás that is son of my cousin. This is the years of babys! jajajaja
